New student organizations must have at least 10 Southeastern students as members, a faculty or staff member to serve as advisor, and two letters of recommendation from a faculty or staff member.
In order to become a registered student organization, the New Student Organization Application must be completed with the appropriate signatures and submitted to the Office for Student Engagement for approval.
The New Student Organization Application includes the following:
Officer Roster
Signed Membership Roster ( must have 10 current Southeastern students)
Faculty/Staff Advisor Information
Membership Information
Bank Account Information (if organization has a bank account)
Policies and Procedures Manual Compliance Form
Hazing Policy Acknowledgment Form
The new student organization’s president and advisor will be notified when the New Student Organization Application is approved. Once the application is approved, the organization is recognized as a registered student organization.
In order to maintain status as a recognized student organization, the organization must complete and submit the Recognized Student Organization Packet once a year at the beginning of the fall semester.
Student organizations must be recognized by the Office for Student Engagement and have a completed packet on file to register activities, reserve rooms, and participate in events on campus.
For more information, contact the Office for Student Engagement, 985-549-2120.