Four Year Graduation Plan

“Parents will love this program. It provides structure and motivation for the student, as well as financial stability for the family supporting the student.”

Brandon Hebert, MBA Graduate Student
Destrehan, LA


Participation in the Southeastern Promise Program guarantees students a four year path to approved degree completion.

Student Eligibility and Responsibilities

Any eligible student must elect to participate in the Southeastern Promise program. To be eligible for the Southeastern Promise, the student must satisfy the following conditions:

  1. Enrolls as a first time freshman in Fall and enrolls in the Southeastern Promise by the last class day of the Fall semester.
  2. Be admitted to a major or as an undeclared student at the time of enrollment of their first semester. Enrollment in non-degree, non-academic professional and public programs or other off-campus programs does not qualify.
  3. Enrolls full time in the Fall with no development courses. Students must have fulfilled all developmental coursework prior to their first semester of full time enrollment. Developmental courses are not counted toward the 30 credit hours per academic year requirement.

To remain eligible for the Southeastern Promise: Eligibility is determined at the start of the following fall semester. The student may be subject to spring or summer fee increases since eligibility has yet to be earned or verified, the student must satisfy the following conditions.

  1. Successfully declare a major before or during the spring semester of the first academic year, but no later than the Friday before priority registration for the upcoming summer and fall semesters if initially admitted to Southeastern as an undeclared student. This allows for major exploration.
  2. Successfully complete a minimum of thirty (30) applicable credits per the selected eligible degree program each academic year. Most Southeastern undergraduate degree programs consist of 120 total credit hours requiring successful completion of a total of 30 credit hours per academic year (fall, spring, summer) for continued plan eligibility.
  3. Continuously enroll each fall and spring during the term of the plan.  Summer enrollment is not required but credits completed during the summer can be used toward the minimum credits required for the selected eligible major.  Any other interruptions of attendance may result in disqualification from the plan.
  4. Remain in good academic standing each semester during the term of the four year agreement.
  5. Meet applicable university, college and department academic requirements pertaining to course and degree progress.
  6. Be advised and resolve any registration holds that may delay timely enrollment, such as advising and financial holds.
  7. Participate in the priority registration week during the fall and spring semesters to help ensure access to needed courses.
  8. Enroll in courses consistent with the four year academic map for the selected major.
  9. Enroll in additional minors, majors or certificates or change majors only if, at the time of change, the additional requirements can be met within the original four year period.
  10. Monitor degree progress and act on advice provided by academic advisors to remain on track for four year graduation.
  11. Submit annual applications for financial assistance in a timely manner, if applicable.

Southeastern Louisiana University Responsibilities

As part of the Southeastern Promise, Southeastern will:

  1. Provide a four year academic map for the selected major.
  2. Provide academic advising during the initial enrollment period during new student orientation and before registration each subsequent semester to review course selections from the recommended four year map provided by the academic department.
  3. Collaborate with Deans and Department Heads to ensure the availability of courses as per the academic map to enable eligible students to complete the Southeastern Promise.
  4. Provide students with tools including an academic planner and online degree audit to assist with monitoring degree progress.
  5. Provide students with an annual evaluation of degree progress, determining compliance with the Southeastern Promise.