Hello! I’m Ethan Buras, a junior majoring in Pure Mathematics. After I graduate, I intend on attending a graduate mathematics program at LSU, likely in categories relating to Algebraic/Differential Topology.
One of my hobbies is my continuous academic pursuit for knowledge, whether or not I am in an academic setting. I attempt to grasp the general concept(s) for most fields of study, analyze and theorize the information present in these fields, and illustrate my understanding by presenting/teaching it to a general audience.
There are two categories of skill I’d like to make known and distinct: Formal and Informal. The formal refers to the subjects I have actively studied both outside and in college, while the informal are ones I have studied on my own accord. For the formal, I am particularly skilled in Mathematics and Chemistry. For the informal, I am particularly skilled in Physics and Philosophy.
My motivation for tutoring is due to the fact I have an ability to give reasoning and purpose to learning, discovering, and theorizing. And because people (by assumption) tend to reside in the category of learning, my direct introductions to knowledge can motivate my clients to pursue knowledge further and better themselves in many facets of life, in accordance to their own discretion of course.
A great study tip for learning any concept is to try and find out why a certain concept/phenomenon occurs. The “why” provides a sense of purpose for learning the concept, which in turn results in a person to continuously pursue it until it is fully or somewhat understood. From this procedure, one can discover more sub concepts and connect these ideas with the main one, making comparisons for distinction. And by this combination of discovery, learning, and distinction, one can approach the mastery of a concept.