Portfolio 360 Program

Portfolio 360 Program

What is Portfolio 360?

Portfolio 360 is a supplemental initiative within the Communication & Media Studies department. The goal is for all Communication majors to establish an online portfolio prior to graduation. Ideally, a student will create a portfolio during their freshman year and continue to add content as they progress through their degree. 

Why Create an Online Portfolio?

The majority of coursework in the Communication degree is portfolio-driven, meaning that you’ll be producing some type of deliverable (videography, photography, strategic plans, social media posts, podcasts, etc.). An online portfolio is an essential tool to demonstrate your skillset when applying for internships and post-graduate jobs. 

How to Create an Online Portfolio

We use Wix to create and maintain portfolios. Wix is a free, drag and drop website builder. The site is user-friendly and provides a variety of templates that can be customized to fit your needs. A brief tutorial video will soon be embedded on this page. 

Each semester, we typically host at least one Portfolio 360 Workshop. This is a chance to learn more and begin building your portfolio. During the regular semester, you can also stop by our main office in Cardinal Newman to work one-on-one with one of our graduate assistants.