Degree Requirements

The M.A. in English consists of a core of literary studies with choices in professional development in all areas of English Studies, including optional concentrations in Creative Writing, Language & Literacy, Professional Writing, and Publishing Studies. Students who do not declare a concentration typically focus on literature, though they are free to elect courses from any of the concentrations. 

Students without a concentration and students concentrating in Language & Literacy or Professional Writing may choose between thesis and non-thesis options. Students concentrating in Creative Writing must complete a thesis, and students concentrating in Publishing Studies do not have a thesis option.

For questions from current or prospective students regarding the degree requirements listed below or the graduate exam, please direct them to Dr. Ziba Rashidian, Graduate Coordinator, at [email protected]

Non-Thesis Option

36 hours of EnglishMaximum of six graduate hours in a related fieldENGL 648 Graduate Studies SeminarENGL 595 Internship1 Theory & Methods Course: ENGL 575, 577, or 585At least 21 hours of coursework at 600 level

Thesis Option

36 hours of EnglishENGL 648 Graduate Studies SeminarENGL 595 Internship1 Theory & Methods Course: ENGL 575, 577, or 585ENGL: 770 (6 hours) ThesisAt least 18 hours of coursework at the 600 level


Creative Writing

ENGL 575 Introduction to Contemporary CriticismENGL 582 Intermediate Poetry WorkshopENGL 583 Intermediate Fiction WorkshopENGL 645 Creative WritingENGL 648 Graduate Studies SeminarENGL 770 (6 hours) Thesis in Creative WritingA minimum of 18 hours at the 600 level

Required Thesis: Graduate students concentrating in Creative Writing are required to write a thesis. The Creative Writing thesis can consist of works of prose, poetry, or drama. Students must meet all the requirements for the Creative Writing concentration, find an appropriate faculty member to serve as Thesis Director, and obtain approval to begin a creative thesis from the Coordinator of Creative Writing. Full details for this concentration are available from Dr. Jack Bedell at [email protected]

Language & Literacy

The requirements for a concentration in Language and Literacy may include completion of a Language and Literacy thesis and participation in an approved Language and Literacy apprenticeship. Students must be willing to accept the responsibilities inherent to seeking, participating in, and completing such a program. Full details for this concentration are available from Dr. Jeff Wiemelt at [email protected].

Concentration with Thesis:ENGL 577 Foundations in Language and LiteracyENGL 595 InternshipENGL 648 Graduate Studies SeminarOne course from the following: ENGL 620, ENGL 621, or ENGL 646One course from the following: ENGL 564, ENGL 567, or ENGL 576Engl 770 (6 hours) Thesis Research and ThesisA minimum of 18 hours at the 600 level

Concentration without Thesis:ENGL 577 Foundations in Language and LiteracyENGL 595 InternshipENGL 648 Graduate Studies SeminarOne course from the following: ENGL 518, ENGL 620, or ENGL 646One course from the following: ENGL 620, ENGL 621, OR ENGL 646Two courses from the following: ENGL 508, ENGL 524, ENGL 564, ENGL 567, or ENGL 576A minimum of 21 hours at the 600 level

Professional Writing

The requirements for a concentration in Professional Writing may include completion of a Professional Writing thesis and participation in an approved Professional Writing internship. Students must be willing to accept the responsibilities inherent to seeking, participating in, and completing such a program. Full details for this concentration are available from Dr. Paul Sawyer at [email protected]

Concentration with Thesis: ENGL 585 Foundations in Publishing Studies and Professional Writing ENGL 548 Advanced Technical and Professional WritingENGL 595 InternshipENGL 651 Studies in Professional WritingENGL 648 Graduate Studies SeminarElectives (3 hrs) as approved by the concentration coordinatorENGL 770 (6 hrs) Thesis Research and ThesisA minimum of 18 hours at the 600 level

Concentration without Thesis: ENGL 585 Foundations in Publishing Studies and Professional WritingENGL 548 Advanced Technical and Professional WritingENGL 594 Publishing in Digital HumanitiesENGL 595 InternshipENGL 651 Studies in Professional WritingENGL 648 Graduate Studies SeminarElectives (6 hrs) as approved by the concentration coordinatorA minimum of 21 hours at the 600 level

Publishing Studies

The requirements for a concentration in Publishing Studies include participation in an approved Publishing Studies internship. Students must be willing to accept the responsibilities inherent to seeking, participating in, and completing such a program. There is no thesis option for the Publishing Studies concentration. Full details for this concentration are available from Dr. Samuel Fuller at [email protected]

ENGL 585 Foundations in Publishing Studies and Professional WritingENGL 592 Introduction to Literary and Technical EditingENGL 549 History of the Book or ENGL 586 Document Production and DesignENGL 593 Practicum in Humanities Print Publishing or ENGL 594 Publishing in Digital HumanitiesENGL 595 InternshipENGL 652 Studies in PublishingENGL 648 Graduate Studies Seminar

Optional Thesis: Research

Graduate students in English with concentrations in Language & Literacy or Professional Writing as well as those with no declared concentration may elect to complete a research thesis. Major areas for research work include literary studies, language and literacy studies, and rhetoric and composition. The requirements for the thesis option are 36 credit hours (including 30 hours of graduate English courses and 6 hours of thesis credit). All other requirements for the MA in English are the same as for students not choosing to complete a thesis. Note: Creative Writing Students must complete the requirements for a creative thesis.

All candidates for a Master of Arts in English must:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of a foreign language or language structure either through six (6) hours of undergraduate coursework in one language, through completion of an approved graduate-level course on language structures, through demonstrated knowledge of a major computer language (such as C++, XML, Java), or through passing the Princeton examination. The language requirement is waived for international students whose native language is not English.

  2. Complete nine (9) hours of graduate coursework in three broad literary periods: [1] Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern literatures [2] Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century literatures [3] Twentieth-Century and Contemporary literatures.

  3. Complete and pass the comprehensive examination requirements.

Graduate Coursework Distribution Requirements

All students in the M.A. program must take one course from each of the following three columns, totaling nine (9) graduate credit hours. Graduate literature courses that are not listed below may be approved on an individual basis by the Coordinator of Graduate Studies in English after their period content has been determined. The courses are arranged by period, so that a student would be required to have one course covering material before the 18th century, one course in the 18th or 19th century, and one course in the 20th century and/or contemporary literatures.

Most of the possible courses are listed below. Other special topics courses may also fit into these categories. Be sure to check with your advisor on this question.

Group A: Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern Literatures

Engl 526 Adolescent Experience In Literatureengl 528 African-american Literature Since 1900engl 539 Louisiana Literatureengl 588 Modernismengl 589 Postmodern And Contemporary Literatureengl 610 Studies In Performance

Variable-content Literature Courses: Check Specific Titles And Content Each Semester

Engl 527 Gender Studies And Literatureengl 537 Major Periods In Dramaengl 538 Interdisciplinary Approaches To Literatureengl 558 Major British Authorsengl 587 Major World Authorsengl 591 Major American Authorsengl 606 Studies In British Literatureengl 617 Studies In World Literatureengl 630 Studies In American Literature