Remote Work and Learning to Continue Friday, January 24

Graduate Degree Programs

The purpose of the Master of Arts degree in History is to increase the students’ historical knowledge, educate them in proper scholarly methodology for historical research and writing, prepare them for more effective careers in teaching, government service, business, and for further graduate study in history, political science, law, and other related disciplines.

Southeastern has the only M.A. program in history in Louisiana which offers all required courses in the evening. Graduates have entered Ph.D. programs, university and school teaching jobs, and careers in law, government, business, journalism, museology, and tourism.

The program offers thesis and non-thesis options and an elective 6-hour minor in Political Science or Philosophy. Teachers with the M.A. in Education may receive 12 hours credit (and possibly more) toward the M.A. in History for previous graduate Education courses (6 hrs) and approval cognate graduate History courses (6). The department holds a monthly Works-in-Progress Seminar, in which faculty, graduate students, and visiting scholars present the results of ongoing research.

Master Of Arts Degree in History

Applicants for admission and for graduate assistantships should submit completed application forms, transcripts, and GRE scores by April 1. Applicants received after that date will be accepted, but priority in awarding assistantships and in scheduling graduate classes will be given to those who meet the April 1 deadline.

History, MA

Minors Offered

  • Political Science 
  • Philosophy 


Contact Information

Dr. William “Bill” Robison
Graduate Coordinator
History and Political Science
(985) 549-2109
[email protected]