Student Success

From challenging honors programs to active student organizations, the Department of History and Political Science offers many resources to support each student’s success.

Academic Advising

Honors Program


Internships/Service Learning Programs

Student Organizations

Student Forms

Class Authorization Request Form
Only used for History, Political Science or Philosophy Courses. This form is to request authorization to schedule a course for which you do not meet the prerequisite(s). It DOES NOT replace the advising form or act as a substitution request.

Appointment Request Form
Request an appointment with the History and Political Science Department Head

Request for Course Substitution or Transfer Credit Form
This form is only used for History, Political Science, or Social Studies Education Majors. This form is to request a substitution in your curriculum. This includes transfer credits. You may not substitute other courses for any History, Political Science, and Philosophy courses specifically required on curriculum sheets for History, Political Science, and Social Studies Education majors.

Problem Form
Do NOT use this form for the following:

  • grade appeals
  • substitutions or transfer credit requests
  • final exam rescheduling
  • retroactive withdrawals