Southeastern Shifting to Remote Operations

The Spirit of the Southland High School Band Day

The Spirit of the Southland Band Day will be held on Saturday, September 14, 2024, at Strawberry Stadium on the Southeastern Louisiana University Campus. If you are a high school student who is interested in participating in this event, we welcome and encourage you to participate. This event is open to Instrumentalists, Drumline or Color Guard. If you are interested in performing with the Spirit of the Southland Marching Band, please fill out the Google form below:

Make sure you check your calendar before you make this commitment. You will have the opportunity to perform with the band during the game and halftime as well. Students will receive a T-shirt to be worn at the football game, and dinner before the game. To offset the cost, we will charge a fee of $10.00 per student which includes lunch and a t-shirt. The uniform for the game will be khaki shorts, white socks, tennis shoes, and a T-shirt that will be given out on Band Day. Wear something comfortable for the rehearsals during the day. Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to meeting you at the event.

Robert Schwartz, D.M.A.
Director of Bands
Southeastern Louisiana University
SLU 10815 Hammond, LA 70402
(985) 549 – 5198
[email protected]