Homecoming Parade

Friendship Circle Hammond, LA, United States

Office for Student Engagement


Same route as last year

Homecoming Football Game!

Strawberry Stadium 17379 McGehee Rd, Bogalusa, LA, United States

The Southeastern Lions will be playing Stephen F. Austin for the 20204 Homecoming Football game! Head to the link to purchase tickets: https://lionsports.net/tickets

Meet, Greet & Eat // Barriere Construction

Computer Science and Technology Building, Hammond, LA 70401, USA, Room 2029

CALLING ALL OSHE & IET MAJORS // Join Barriere Construction for a chance to learn more about full-time positions, internship opportunities, and a complimentary lunch!Sign up here!

Family & Friends Impacted by Addiction

This support open to anyone with a friend or family member who is struggling with substance misuse as well as those impacted by overdose.

A Century Under the Oaks at Southeastern

Contemporary Art Gallery 411 Ned McGehee Drive, Hammond, LA, United States

Southeastern Louisiana University grew to its centennial along with the gracious live oaks that landmark its campus. Carlos Doolittle, who leads Southeastern's Landscape and Grounds team, will present a visual journey showing how Friendship Oak came to be so loved and will take viewers behind the scenes of the current projects preserving its legacy. Along […]

Field Day Hosted by Honors Ambassadors

Ascension Hall 1150 N General Pershing St, Hammond, LA, United States

Location: Ascension Hall Courtyard Sack races, egg spoon relay, partner portraits, music trivia and lots of yummy food. Come to this event put on by YOUR Honors Ambassadors.