ACE Pop Up table

Kinesiology Breezeway

Struggling with time management?  Have you ever really learned how to study at the college level?Maybe you are still unsure about your major.Pop by the ACE table in the Kinesiology Breezeway area on Monday, 9/23, between 9am - 1pm.  An […]

Grad Fair

War Memorial Student Union Southeastern Louisiana University 501 Union Ave, Bogalusa, LA, United States

Student Union Ballroom - 3rd Floor of Student Union Have questions? Email [email protected]

Grad Fair

Student Union Ballroom

ACE Pop Up table

White Hall, First Floor hallway

Struggling with time management?  Have you ever really learned how to study at the college level?Maybe you are still unsure about your major.Pop by the ACE table in White Hall, 1st floor hallway, on Wed, 9/23, between 9am - […]

Grad Fair

War Memorial Student Union Southeastern Louisiana University 501 Union Ave, Bogalusa, LA, United States

Student Union Ballroom - 3rd Floor of Student Union Have questions? Email [email protected]

Grad Fair

Student Union Ballroom