Southeastern Shifting to Remote Operations

Tribute Gifts

“Creating a scholarship in my mother’s name was the perfect way to honor her contributions
to the Hammond community while ensuring her lifelong commitment to art and theater
were respectfully commended. My mother, father, sister, and I all graduated from Southeastern.
Jackie and I have gladly contributed to this fund so that my mother’s work and love
of the arts may continue to influence the lives of developing artists and thespians
for years to come.”

– James Griffith ’92

Maya Levy Fine and Performing Arts Endowed Scholarship

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Tribute Gifts

So many people touch our lives…

it’s easy to pay Tribute.

Tribute Gifts offer a unique opportunity to let special people know how important
they are to you, acknowledging administration, love, respect or gratitude.  A tribute
gift can be made for any occasion and in any amount.

Tribute Gifts also provide a meaningful way to express your appreciation, because
every Tribute Gift supports the mission of Southeastern – to lead the educational,
economic and cultural development of southeast Louisiana.  This allows you – and the
person you honor – to become active participants in higher education in our region
and beyond.

Consider Tribute Gifts for these occasions:

Weddings & Anniversaries
Mother’s and Father’s Day
Special Achievements
Religious Occasions
The anniversary of a loved one’s death

There are two ways to make a Tribute Gift:

  • Make a memorial or honor gift.

To make a memorial or honor gift, simply complete the Give to Southeastern online giving form and reference the person you are making the gift in memory or
in honor of.  Upon receipt of your donation, we will send an acknowledgement to the
person honored or, in case of a memorial, to the family of the deceased.  No mention
will be made of the amount of the gift.  You will receive notification that the gift
has been received, communicating our thanks to you and documenting your donation for
tax purposes.  Tribute Gifts can be unrestricted to support the work of the Southeastern
Foundation or designated to an existing named endowment or the Foundation’s general
endowment fund.

  • Create an endowment.

Endowments can be established to support a variety of specific purposes and offer
you the opportunity to have your name, or the name of a loved one, linked to an area
of the university which inspires you.  Gifts to the endowment may be made at any time,
in any amount.  However, establishing an endowment requires a minimum gift amount
that is subject to change.  Endowments are permanent, long-term investments that provide
perpetual resources to recruit, support and encourage top faculty and students; enrich
academic programs; and create a vibrant campus community. To learn more, please visit
the Endowment page.