Arts & Humanities Citation Index®

Arts & Humanities Citation Index®

Title:  Arts & Humanities Citation Index®

Access: This database is available to authorized Southeastern users (on- or off-campus).
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Producer: Clarivate Analytics

Category: English; History and Political Science; Music and Performing Arts; Philosophy; Visual
Arts + Design; World Languages and Cultures

Coverage: 1976-

Update: Weekly

Contents: Provides indexing and abstracts from over 1,700 of the leading arts and humanities
journals, as well as selected items over 250 scientific and social sciences journals.
Links to full text of articles when available through Sims Library.

Notes: The list of periodicals indexed and abstracted in this database can be found in the
Master Journal List. Web of Science Group says, “The Master Journal List is a free
resource and may be searched and browsed with no paywalls. Users are asked to log
in or create a free account before viewing journal profile pages in order to help
us learn more about user journeys and to shape our future development plans to fit
your needs.”

Help: Search help is available by clicking on Help at the top of the search page. A Subject
Index is available from the Indexes link.

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