Course Reserves

About Course Reserves

Course reserves are supplemental course materials that are chosen by faculty for students in their classes. Reserves can be borrowed for 2 hours, overnight, 3 days or 1 week (decided by the instructor). Reserves are only available for currently enrolled Southeastern students, faculty and staff.

Searching Course Reserves

We are happy to assist faculty with placing course materials on reserve for student use. Reserve items may include books, personal copies, articles, multimedia, and other course-related materials.

Books and media items placed on reserve are held at the library’s checkout desk for students to check out. Students can look up these reserve items by searching the library’s catalog by course name, course ID, or instructor name. Follow this three step process:

  1. Change the “Everything” pull down menu to “Reserves.”
  2. Select Course Name, Course ID or Instructor Name.
  3. Enter your search terms and click on search.

Items that cannot be placed on reserve include:

  • Items belonging to other libraries, e.g., books received through interlibrary loan
  • Copied movies cannot be placed on reserve without consent of the copyright holder
  • Rare or very fragile items (may or may not be placed on reserve as determined by library staff)
  • Photocopies of entire books.
Submit Your Faculty Course Reserve Request

Linking Course Reserve Materials to Canvas Course Pages

If you wish to have a library-owned article or book chapter placed on e-reserve, we will create a direct link to the resource for your Canvas course page (dependent on licensing agreements). If you have questions about adding course reserves to Canvas, please contact us at [email protected].


For more information regarding copyright compliance on reserve materials, please review our Copyright Guide.

Removing an Item on Reserve

The Circulation/Reserve Unit of the Access Services Department will remove all course reserve materials at the end of the semester, unless other arrangements are made with the Course Reserves Library staff.

Overdue Fines

Reserve items have the following fines: $5 per day with a maximum of $60 per item.


Contact us at [email protected] or (985) 549-3484.