User Education

Mon.-Thurs. 7:30am-4:45pm, Fri. 7:30am-11:15am / Sims 130 / Contact Dayne Sherman / 985-549-3965

User Education

Sims Memorial Library provides library instruction for Southeastern students, faculty and staff, designed to bridge the gap between Southeastern’s classes and the library’s information resources.

Course-Integrated Instruction

Working in collaboration with professors and other classroom instructors, the Coordinator of User Education and other library faculty provide course-related library instruction on request. Topics of instruction vary widely, from instruction on how to use the databases available for a particular field, using Southeastern’s online catalog, to using the Internet for research. This instruction can take place in one of our classrooms. For more details, call 549-2027 or fill out the online request for Library Instruction.

Library Assignment Consultations
The Coordinator of User Education can help Southeastern faculty design assignments that offer Southeastern students a successful and challenging library experience. For ideas about the creation of effective library assignments for your students, faculty may consult with the Coordinator of User Education.