Anyone is welcome to use the documents of the government information collection. However, only the students, faculty, and staff of Southeastern Louisiana University, and validated guest or LALINC borrowers are permitted to check out documents.
A valid University, guest borrower, or LALINC identification card must be presented in order to check out documents.
Documents from the 4th floor and maps that are stamped “THIS ITEM MAY BE CHECKED OUT” should
be checked out from and returned to the Circulation Desk.
Circulating documents, except for maps, may be checked out for a period of 3 weeks. Maps may be checked out by Southeastern faculty/staff for a period of 3 days. Circulating documents, including maps, may be renewed up to two times. However, if another patron places a hold on a document while it is checked out, renewal of that title may be denied.
The following items CANNOT be checked out:
- Microfiche / Microfilm.
- Annual statistical reports.
- Serials (magazines, journals, etc.).
- Reference materials.
- Publications with fifteen or fewer pages.