Reference Department

Library Hours / Sims 143 / Contact Dayne Sherman / 985-549-3965

The Reference Department is located on the first floor of Sims Memorial Library. The Department’s mission is to provide assistance and instruction to members of the Southeastern Louisiana University community.

The Reference Desk is staffed all hours that the library is open to assist patrons with research as well as with the use of library resources. Reference Librarians also provide assistance by phone (985-549-2027), text messaging (985-222-2377), e-mail, and appointment during library hours as well as by chat, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (Ask A Librarian).



Name Title Phone Room
Dayne Sherman Head of Reference 
Coordinator of User Education
985-549-3965 Sims 130
Ryan Castillo LS 1020 Coordinator
Reference/Instruction Librarian
985-549-3970 Sims 345
Robert Barnes Reference/Instruction Librarian 985-549-5055 Sims 133
Theresa Corbin Adjunct Instructor    
Leslie Davis Public Service Supervisor 985-549-2033 Sims 132
Penny Hecker Reference/Instruction Librarian 985-549-2290 Sims 134
Donis Marie Lambert Reference/Instruction Librarian Government Documents FDLP Coordinator 985-549-3485 Sims 131