How Do I Access and Print Faculty SACS Credentials?

Accessing Faculty SACS Credentials:

  1. Login to LEONet for Faculty and University Staff.
  2. Select Southeastern HR Data > Use > Faculty SACS Credentials.
  3. Key in the Employee ID Number (W number) or last name and click the Search button. The Faculty SACS Credentials panel will display with the current information
    for the faculty member.
  4. If the faculty member has been SACS certified in more than one discipline, click the
    View All link to see the credentials for each discipline.
  5. To view all of the degrees held by the faculty member, select the View All link. A list of the degrees earned by the individual will dropdown to display.
  6. Before printing, review all information to make sure it’s correct. If you have any
    questions, contact Dr. Hunter Alessi at extension 5205 or [email protected].
  7. Print the page, if desired.
  8. Remember to sign out of PeopleSoft after you have finished your session.

Printing Faculty SACS Credentials

There are several ways to print Faculty SACS Credentials. How you choose to print
the page depends upon the software installed on your computer and the desired look
of the printout.

Quick Printing from a PC in Internet Explorer

Place the cursor arrow in the blank area on the right hand side of the page, right
click, and select print from the dropdown menu. Only the faculty credentials frame
will be printed.

Quick Printing from a Mac in Safari

There are two ways to print the Faculty SACS Credentials panel on a Mac:

  1. Click in the Faculty SACS Credentials frame.
  2. Select File > Print Current Frame. Only the Faculty SACS credentials portion of the
    page will print.


  1. Right click (Command + Click).
  2. Print Frame. Only the Faculty SACS credentials portion of the page will print.

Additional Ways to Print Faculty SACS Credentials

From the Windows Toolbar

Select File > Print from the Windows main toolbar and a copy of the Faculty SACS
Credentials page displayed on your screen will print on your default printer. Only
the faculty credentials screen will print.

Print Screen and Paste

  1. Select the Print Screen button on your keyboard.
  2. Open a new page in Microsoft Word.
  3. Select Edit > Paste from the Microsoft Word main menu. A copy of the screen, including
    the Faculty SACS Credentials page, will appear on the page.
  4. Select File > Print from the Microsoft Word main menu. A copy of the Word document
    will print on your default printer. This option prints not only the faculty credentials
    screen, but also the toolbars and the left navigation.

Using PrintKey2000

If you have PrintKey2000 installed on your PC, when you select the Print Screen button,
the program will open and your PrintKey options will display. If the program does
not automatically open, open it by selecting the Start button in the bottom left corner
of your screen, then selecting > All Programs > PrintKey2000.

To print only the Faculty SACS Credentials area of the page:

  1. Click the Rectangle button at the top of the page. The cursor will turn into a large plus sign.
  2. Use the cursor to select the area you would like to print by forming a rectangle around
    the desired
    area. The portion of the screen you have selected will display.
  3. Click the Print button at the top of the page. The selected portion of the page will print on your
    default printer.