How Do I Certify Preliminary Non-Attendance?

  1. Sign in to PeopleSoft using your W# as User ID
  2. Select Self Service > Preliminary NonAttendance. On the search screen, click the magnifying
    glass, select current term and click Search.
  3. Select the appropriate class.
  4. Your class roster will be displayed.
  5. If no students are being marked for nonattendance click the check box All Attended Indicator at the top of your class roster.
  6. For any student that is being marked for non-attendance, you will need to click the
    check box in the column labeled “Has not attended and has not notified me of plans
    to attend” for that student.
  7. Once you have completed the roster, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the
    save button.
  8. Click return to search to enter attendance for a different class.

Contact the Registrar

(ext.5633) if you have any questions or are having problems with certifying your Preliminary
Non-Attendance Roster(s).