How Do I Calculate My GPA?

Calculate GPA

Our Grade Calculator uses GPA (Grade Point Average) and is determined by the total
number of hours attempted.

Quality Points / Hours Attempted = GPA
(See below for further explanation of quality points and hours attempted.)

Some important things to remember while viewing your unofficial transcript in LEONet:

  • The first column on your transcript contains a Course Listing for the term.
  • The second column contains the number of course Hours Attempted.
  • The third column contains the number of course Hours Earned.
  • The last column on the right contains Quality Points.

 Your Cumulative GPA should be correct on your unofficial transcript.

However, your cumulative Hours Attempted may not be correct for the number of hours
for calculating your GPA. LEONet includes Pass/Fail option courses (P/U). Audit courses
(AU) and Withdrawn (W) courses in the cumulative total of hours attempted, although
it does eliminate these courses when calculating cumulative GPA.

If you wish to know your cumulative Hours Attempted for calculating your GPA, subtract
the total number of hours or any (P/U) courses, (AU) courses, and (W) courses from
the cumulative total of Hours Attempted indicated at the bottom of your transcript.

Quality Points

Quality Points are determined by the weight of the course times the weight of the
grade. “P” and “U” grades are not weighted.

Credit Hours x Grade Points = Quality Points

Remember, Grade Points are:
A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0

Examples of this could be:

  • KINL 112 is a 1 credit hour course.
    An “A” in this course would equal 4 quality points (1×4=4).
  • COMM 211 is a 3 credit hour course.
    A “B” in this course would be equal to 9 quality points (3×3=9).
  • ZOO 241 is a 4 credit hour course.
  • A “C” in this course would be equal to 8 quality points (4×2=8).
  • MATH 161 is a 3 credit hour course.
  • An “F” in this course would be equal to 0 quality points (0x3=0).
  • DVEN 90 is a 5 credit hour course.
  • A “P” in this course would not earn any quality points because courses with a “P” or “U”
    grade are not included in calculating GPA.

This student earned a total of 21 Quality Points.

Course Listing Quality Points
KINL 112 4 quality points
COMM 211 9 quality points
ZOO 241 8 quality points
MATH 161 0 quality points
DVEN 90 does not earn quality points
Total 21 quality points

Hours Attempted

Hours Attempted are the total number of credit hours you attempted to complete. Hours
attempted do not include classes with “P” or “U” grades, “AU” (audit) classes, or
“W” (withdrawn) classes.

The student in the example below attempted a total of 11 credit hours:

Course Listing Credit Hours Attempted
KINL 112 1 credit hour
COMM 211 3 credit hours
ZOO 241 4 credit hours
MATH 161 3 credit hours
DVEN 90 hours not included
Total 11 credit hours

Thus, the GPA for this student would be:
21 Quality Points / 11 Hours Attempted = 1.91 GPA

If you feel there is some error in the calculation of your GPA, please contact Office
of the Registrar at (985) 549-2066 or e-mail [email protected]. Be sure to
include your name, phone number, and University ID (“W” number) in your e-mail.