Southeastern began its first year under the full Board of Regents Master Plan
admissions criterion.
Fanfare proudly celebrated its 20th anniversary.
On August 29, just six days into the semester, Hurricane Katrina hit southeast
Louisiana, devastating the parishes of St. Bernard, Orleans, Jefferson,
Plaquemines and St. Tammany, as well as the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Southeastern
fared well and suffered no major structural damages (although the University
campus did lose many trees). After the storm, Southeastern was able to play an
instrumental role in the relief effort by providing housing for the National
Guard, disaster relief teams from across the country and utility workers. The
University also provided housing for its displaced faculty, staff and students
as it re-opened its doors on September 6. In addition, the University re-opened
enrollment and provided housing for many displaced students from other
universities and community colleges in the disaster area; this also included the
hiring of several displaced faculty from these institutions. By the 14th class
day, in spite of Katrina, Southeastern had again enrolled a record-breaking
number of students: 16,068.