About the Nursing Department

Southeastern’s School of Nursing is committed to providing the highest level learning opportunities for students in an intellectually stimulating environment that incorporates clinical practice, research and service to the university and the community. Our programs incorporate knowledge and skills that prepare graduates for diverse areas of practice with the goal of improving health care in our region.

Department Head, School of Nursing

Lindsay Domiano, PhD, RN,CNE

Kinesiology and Health Studies Building, Room 1009C

SLU Box 10835

Hammond, Louisiana 70402

Office: (985) 549-2156 

Email: nursing@southeastern.edu

Graduate Nursing Program Coordinator

Susan Prude, PhD, RN 

Kinesiology and Health Studies Building, Room 1010A 

SLU Box 10835 

Hammond, Louisiana 70402

Office: (985) 549-5045 

Email: gradnursadmin@southeastern.edu

Need to Know Facts

  • Pre-requisite courses used in the admission process (used to calculate cumulative GPA) include the following courses: English 101,102, and (230,231,or 232); Math 161, and 241; General Biology 151 and Biology Lab 152; Sociology 101; Library Science102; Psychology 101 and 204; Chemistry 107; Zoology 250 and 251; Zoology Lab 252 and 253; Nutrition and Diet Therapy 251; Microbiology 223 and Microbiology Lab 224.
  • Excluding: SE 101, art elective, history, and Communications 211.
  • Students must earn a “C” or better in all nursing degree courses.
  • Student will not be considered eligible for application to progress to nursing course work if completion of the biology/zoology courses exceeds 6 regular semesters (GBIO 151, BIOL 152, ZOO 250, ZOOL 252, ZOO 251, ZOOL 253)
  • Students can repeat a class in which they earn a “C” only once. There is no limit to the number of times a student may repeat a grade of “D” or “F”. The cumulative* of all grades earned in a course will be used for application GPA.
  • You will need evidence of health compatible with curriculum requirements and clear criminal background check from LSBN, and will be drug tested once admitted to nursing coursework.

  • All first semester transfer students must receive initial advising by the transfer advisor, Dr. Blake Smith. Call 985.549.2156 to schedule an appointment in person, by phone, email or Google Meet.
  • Students previously enrolled as a nursing major at any other School of Nursing must provide a letter of good standing.

  • Students should apply the semester they are enrolled in their final pre-requisite courses. (The semester BEFORE they wish to begin nursing clinical courses.). Any final pre-requisite courses must be taken at Southeastern the semester of application.
  • At the time of application, students must have a grade of “C” or better posted for all required prerequisites completed.
  • If a student has a posted grade of “D” or “F” in any required prerequisite, they are not eligible to apply until the grade is replaced with a “C” or better.
  • Students must complete all required pre-requisite courses before they can enroll in any nursing courses.
  • Admission is HIGHLY competitive. You must have a minimum cumulative* degree GPA on required pre-requisite courses of a 3.0.
  • You must apply for the clinical component of the Nursing Curriculum. Applications are completed electronically and will be available for completion during the 4 months before the application deadlines below:
    Fall Deadline – Sep. 1st (applying to enter program in the Spring)
    Spring Deadline – Feb. 1st (applying to enter program in the Summer for Accelerated and Fall for Traditional)

  • The last 3 semesters of Nursing didactic/skills lab are taught at the Southeastern Louisiana University’s Baton Rouge Center on 4849 Essen Lane.
  • Once admitted into the program, clinical sites are available within a 60 mile radius of campus. Students must be able to provide their own transportation to clinical.

*Cumulative GPA: If you retake a class in an effort to improve your grade, all grades earned for the course will be included in the cumulative GPA. (Excludes W, audit, & pass/fail.)