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Library Policies and Mission

Borrowing & Circulation

Children in the Library

Collection Development

Conduct In and Around the Library

Faculty Use of Sims Library

Government Information Collection

Interlibrary Loan

Lost and Found

Noise – If someone in the library is being noisy or disruptive, please report the
problem to the Circulation Desk at (985) 549-3968.

Proctoring Exams

Wireless Network Guest Access

Our Mission

The mission of the Linus A. Sims Memorial Library is to provide materials, services
and instruction that support the University community and to promote information literacy
and lifelong learning within the region.

To this end, Sims Memorial Library shall:

provide access to appropriate resources through acquisition and subscriptions, through
membership in academic library consortia, and through other information retrieval
and delivery systems;

educate and encourage users to retrieve and utilize information independently, wisely,
and efficiently;

partner with the region’s libraries and parish school systems to prepare students
for the higher education environment, and

provide informational and cultural resources for the people of southeast Louisiana.