Community Education


Special services and presentations for our community

University Police Department Challenge Coin

The Southeastern Louisiana University Police Department’s aims to equip our Southeastern
community with the tools and education they need for a safe and enjoyable experience
while on and off campus.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, would like an officer to
make a presentation, or would like to coordinate a community education event. 

Please contact [email protected] for all questions and requests for Community Education.


Programs and Presentations

The Southeastern Louisiana University Police Department encourages students and employees
to take proactive steps to enhance their safety.  We offer the following programs
free of charge to Southeastern students and employees in hopes the information shared
will help reduce crime and the fear of crime in our community.  If you need additional
information, have any comments, or wish to schedule a program, please contact [email protected].


Blue and You

This program is a community policing initiative that encourages partnerships between police officers
and our Southeastern community. Officers initiate one-on-one interactions several
times a year by providing water during hotter months and various snack/food at other
times. These interactions lead to conversations and solutions to the underlying conditions
contributing to public safety problems. Officers also conduct foot and bicycle patrols
in high pedestrian area, speaking with members of the Southeastern community, and
hosting community events as a department. 
Blue and You strives to show our Southeastern community that the Southeastern Louisiana University
Police Department is here for them on both their good days and their bad days.


Blue and You


Sexual Violence

This program includes factual information about Sexual Violence.  The program includes
definitions, legal issues, danger signs, sources of help, and methods of assisting
a survivor of sexual assault.  Gender bias and dynamics of power and control are addressed.
 The program is approximately 1 hour followed by an opportunity for open discussion
about perceptions and myths surrounding this serious issue.


Contemporary Drugs 

The Contemporary Drug program is geared toward identification and education about
controlled substances frequently found on or around campus.  The program involves
facts about the prevalence, legality, and physiological affects of drugs and an open
forum for questions or comments.  The program is approximately 45 minutes.


Personal Safety 

This program is an introduction to basic safety and security measures anyone may take
to enhance their own level of safety and reduce security risks on a daily, personal
basis.  The program addresses most common types of crime and situations with some
tips on crime prevention.  The program is approximately 45 minutes followed by an
open forum for discussion.


Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) Basic Physical Defense 

The Rape Aggression Defense System is a program of realistic, self-defense tactics
and techniques.  The RAD System is a comprehensive course for women beginning with
awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance then progressing to the basics
of hands-on defense training.  RAD is not a Martial Arts program.  Our courses are
taught by certified RAD Instructors and provide you with a workbook and reference
manual.  This manual outlines the entire Physical Defense Program for reference and
continuous personal growth.  The RAD program is 12 hours and is commonly taught over
the course of a single weekend. (Students may bring a single non-student guest at
charge of $25.00.)


Relationship Violence (Dating/Domestic Violence)

This is an educational session addressing power and control dynamics in personal relationships
which often lead to violence and abuse.  Definitions, legal issues, warning signs,
sources of help, and methods of assisting a person in or recently out of an abusive
relationship are addressed.  The program is approximately 1 hour.


Online Safety 

The popularity and availability of social media continues to increase, especially
among young adults.  The nature of these sites promotes convenient contact and sharing
of pictures, messages, and other information but also includes security risks.  This
program addresses possible safety risks associated with social media, on-line dating,
and blogs and how to reduce these risks to enhance safety.  The program is approximately
1 hour.



Stalking is a crime in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, yet many victims
and criminal justice professionals underestimate its seriousness and impact.  Stalking
may go unrecognized and unreported, or it may end with serious tragedy.  This program
is an in-depth look at stalking, including stalkers, stalking behavior, stalking victims,
and safety planning.  The program is approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.