WEAVE Online

About WEAVE:

WEAVE Online is an assessment management software application that helps manage accreditation,
assessment, planning, and quality improvement processes for colleges and universities.

 Logging Into WEAVE: 

Click on the Weave logo below to navigate to the login page, then enter your username
and password, and then click Log In. The WEAVE homepage will open.



Deadlines for Inputting Assessment Plans / Reports:

Cycle Based on Calendar Year January 1 – December 31

 February 15 – Assessment Coordinators

  • Add Items for New Cycle
  • Input Findings
  • Update / Create Action Plans
  • Upload Category of Changes


March 15 – University Assessment Committee

  • Complete Review
  • Email Report to Coordinators


April 15 – Assessment Coordinators

  • Respond to Committee Review by posting Response in WEAVE and e-mailing copy to Director
    of Assessment and Accreditation


April 30 – Department Heads/Directors

  • Deadline to Approve Report and Add Information in Annual Special Reporting for Faculty,
    Student, and Unit Accomplishments


May 10 – Deans and Vice Presidents

  • Deadline to Approve Report


May 13 – June 1 – Director of Assessment and Accreditation

  • End Cycle and Begin New Cycle