Recent Events

Winter 2023

Winter Part-Time Job Fair

The Winter 2023 Part-Time Job Fair was held on Wednesday, November 1, 2023. The Part-Time
Job Fair allowed students interested in part-time and seasonal jobs or internships
to interact with approximately 15 employers.  Representatives from these companies
interacted with students eager to seek employment!

                             WPTJF             WPTJF


Fall 2023

University-Wide Career Fair

On Thursday, September 28, 2023, the Office of Career Services hosted Southeastern’s
annual university-wide Career Fair. The Career Fair featured approximately 160 employers
offering career and post-graduation education opportunities and information to approximately
1,000 students and alumni.

                              CF23              CF23


Fall 2023

Fall Part-Time Job Fair

The Fall 2023 Part-Time Job Fair was held on Thursday, August 24, 2023. The Part-Time
Job Fair allowed students interested in part-time jobs or internships to interact
with approximately 30 employers.  Representatives from these companies interacted
with students eager to seek employment!

                                FPTJF               FPTJF


Summer 2023

Summer Part-Time Job Fair

The Summer 2023 Part-Time Job Fair was held on Thursday, April 20, 2023 in the Student
Union Breezeway! The Part-Time Job Fair was a great opportunity for Southeastern students
interested in part-time employment or internships to interact with employers. The
Part-Time Job Fair featured 25 employers with part-time and internship.

                                  SPTJF                SPTJF


Spring 2023


Tech-Connect 2023 was held on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 in the Computer Science and
Technology Building! Tech-Connect was a great opportunity for computer science and
technology students interested in full-time employment, part-time employment or internships
to interact with employers. Tech-Connect featured approximately 55 employers.

                   TC        TC


Spring 2023


Biz-Connect 2023 was held on Thursday, March 14, 2023 in Garrett Hall! Biz-Connect
was a great opportunity for business students interested in full-time employment,
part-time employment or internships to interact with employers. Biz-Connect featured
approximately 60 employers.

                                   BC               BC